Tax Representation

HELP WITH THE Internal Revenue Service (i.e.Tax Representation)

EA Schensky: Your Go-Between with the IRS

  • Are you receiving notices from the IRS or the State of Michigan?
  • Do you owe a chunk of change because of unpaid taxes — payroll, sales, income or other?   Does the very idea of penalties and interest overwhelm you?
  • Are your unfiled returns mounting into three years…  five years… ten years?
  • Is there something that keeps you up at night because you think you made a mistake and you can’t bear to even ask the question out loud?

For many, the burden simply keeps growing until it almost seems impossible to deal with the stress.

  • Are you even tempted to dial “1-800-taxhelp” in response to one of those late night television advertisements offering professional advice and a quick fix to your tax woes?

Well, our advice is to hold the phone… unless it’s to call EA Schensky to set up a personal visit to candidly discuss your individual situation.  It’s confidential, respectful and non-judgmental.  You need a trusted advisor.  We have Enrolled Agents and CPAs who are experienced in the area of negotiating with various governmental agencies.

The first hour of your initial consultation is free.  That gives us enough time to “kick the tire” so to speak.  How big is the problem?  What are your options?  Who will handle the necessary negotiations?

We start by gathering the information, making a plan and preparing to resolve each situation.  One step at a time.  Our advice now:  Pick up that phone afterall!

Call 866-544-6160.

or contact us here.